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  • Writer's pictureRoberto A

Post MC3 Update

Another MCCC in the books, it was a bit of a slow grind over the weekend given the area I was placed in Artist Alley. In spite of the low traffic flow in that section, Some copies of the Knight Rangers ashcan were snatched up and surprisingly, just about ran out of the entire stock of Night Predators books. There were only three #0 issues and four #1's remaining. On Sunday, I managed to catch an awesome cosplay that was cosplaying as CA:Civil War Steve Rogers and Agent Peggy Carter. The lady said I was the first person to recognize who they were there as. They were both happy that I knew as you tell from their smiles. Unfortunately, Darryl Anderson was not able to make it down during the weekend, so hopefully next year. In spite of it being a slow show for moving books, getting to meet up with friends Terrell Culbert, Andre Batts & Dave Brown along with having good booth neighbors (John Martin and Holly Galvin) made the weekend fun. Many thanks to the motor city con attendees that stopped by and supported by picking up copies of Knight Rangers, Night Predators and the Bushi Bundles, we appreciate it! If you missed out on getting a copy of the Knight Rangers ashcan, worry not. It'll have an encore appearance along with a few more Knight Rangers related goodies at our next Motor City appearance as we gear up for Knight Rangers Vol.1 to drop in late 2024! Best, Roberto A.

P.S. Shout out of thanks to the cosplayers that were gracious enough to pose for pics!

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